Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) have a lot in common, contrary to popular belief. Both of these cannabinoids, which are found in the highest concentrations in cannabis plants, are effective in treating anxiety. They even share the same chemical composition (the atoms are just arranged differently). One word sums up the main difference between THC and CBD: intoxication.
As a non-intoxicating substance, CBD is often non-psychoactive or non-psychoactive. Why? Even if you don’t get high from taking CBD tincture, the calming effect you may feel after taking it is psychoactive. Psychedelics are substances that have a direct impact on the brain’s function. On the other hand, even low doses of THC can cause intoxication.
Because of the way THC and CBD interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, this is the reason why (ECS). The cannabinoid receptors found all over the body make up the human endocannabinoid system. In the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system, and the immune system, two cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) are among the most extensively studied in the body. They can be found in all three of these systems.
CB1 receptor-binding THC produces that classic weed high while CBD has been shown to have the opposite interaction with CB1 receptors, which acts as an antagonist. CBD appears to enhance the therapeutic and enjoyable effects of THC by minimizing the unwanted side effects, such as anxiety and a rapid heartbeat, when ingested in combination.
The method of consumption has a significant impact on the time it takes for CBD to take effect. Because the body quickly absorbs CBD, inhalation is considered an effective delivery method. Cannabinoids enter the lungs and circulate throughout the body via the bloodstream when CBD is smoked or vaped.
Some cannabis patients and consumers prefer oral or topical CBD administration, but inhalation is the most effective method for others. There may even be some scientific evidence to back up this sentiment for the record.
“The bioavailability of CBD is greater through the lungs than through the gut,” says Dr. Adie Rae, a neuroscientist and scientific advisor to Weedmaps. Only 5% of the CBD you consume gets into your blood, compared to 50% of the CBD you breathe in. This means those CBD gummy candies that everyone loves might not give you that much CBD. While the bioavailability of CBD can vary depending on how it is smoked, a Chemistry & Biodiversity study published in 2017 found that “smoking… provides a rapid and efficient method of drug delivery.”
A bonus of using this product is that the effects are almost immediately apparent after inhalation. There is a two-hour lag time for the effects of edibles to take effect.
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